New 2023 Arlington Tree Canopy Assessment & Maps

After a lot of work over many months, the preliminary results of a tree canopy study for Arlington County are available. The research incorporates the newest available 2021 data along with expert analysis by the Virginia-based Green Infrastructure Center (GIC). Maps already available provide a clearer picture of our current urban forest assets and our potential to enhance the environmental and social public services they can provide in the future. These multi-function benefits of trees have enticed families, workers, businesses, and organizations to join our community.

This tree canopy assessment can be a useful supplement for evaluating important policy decisions such as 1) the draft Forestry and Natural Resources Plan expected to be made public again in the spring, 2) the degree of potential impact on the tree canopy from local and regional regulatory changes, and 3) inform planning for new opportunities for adopting green infrastructure in the near future.

Most importantly, study is a valuable tool for individuals and organizations already working to improve our tree canopy. For instance, the Tree Canopy Equity Program hosted by EcoAction, will be able to zoom in for block-by-block data to promote the planting of trees where they can be most effective for the target communities. Similarly, civic associations can use the data to track the impact of development, make plans for planting campaigns, and/or seek County support for their needs.

This canopy study was initiated and funded by private citizens concerned with the lack of current, concrete data on the tree canopy and changes over time. We were exceptionally privileged to have Karen Firehock and Christian Schluter from the GIC which provides assistance to communities in developing strategies for protecting and conserving their ecological and cultural assets through environmentally-sensitive decisions, lifestyles and planning. Their clients have included many jurisdictions in the state and have prepared numerous studies for the US Forest Service including their Tree Planning and Planting Campaign Guide. For more information go to:


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